Intuitive/Psychic Readings

Using your divine design, I open a portal to channel the ways in which power dynamics have fed off your beautifully diverse energy and stripped you of your autonomy. Based on your intention, this space is curated to rewire your nervous system in ways that allow you to take immediate, effective action that honors your energetic imprint. With your permission, this can be recorded for you to access whenever, wherever.

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1:1 Intuitive Soul Revelation – Human Design Reading

In an Akashic Records reading, we explore who you are, and the issues you face in this lifetime, from the perspective of your soul. We feel both known and loved within the Records. Being in the richness of this sacred realm can help us in every area of life, from creative endeavors to careers to relationships of every variety. This accepting, non-judgmental dimension fosters greater loving, compassion, and harmony with life. Can also be done on our beloved pets, homes, and businesses for clarity and wisdom.

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Akashic Records Reading

Experience the healing power of angelic energies with angelic card healing sessions. This unique service goes beyond traditional readings, as they channel divine energy to bring about emotional, mental, and spiritual balance. Through the gentle guidance of the angels, these sessions aim to cleanse and uplift your energy, promoting a sense of peace, harmony, and renewal.

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Angelic Card Energy Healing

Step into the ethereal world of angelic guidance with Angelic Card readings. With intuitive and experienced practitioners, through the use of angel cards as a divination tool to tap into the spiritual realm and connect with your guardian angels and divine guides.

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Angelic Card Reading

The session involves connecting heart-to-heart with your animal friend and having a two way “conversation”. Human companions can ask questions they are concerned or curious about around health, wellness, or any number of topics. They can also let their animal friend open up about themselves and how they are feeling and what they are thinking about. There is a great value in knowing what our animal friends are thinking and feeling, which benefits not only the animal, but also their human companion. Amy connects also connects to animals in spirit!

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Animal Communication with Amy

Receive an Full Spectrum Healing session and focused guidance with an Oracle Card Reading.

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Combination Full Spectrum Healing & Oracle Card Reading Session

In this session you will receive a 30 minute oracle card reading to bring intuitive guidance and a 30-minute Reiki treatment to assist in relaxing and destressing.

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Combination Reiki & Oracle Card Reading

Offering private customized sessions to assist you and your partner/friend/family member in either meeting your spiritual guide(s), receiving messages from your spiritual team, or working through energetic, relationship and/or chakra-related issues.

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Couples’ Services (Friends/Partners/Spouses/Family Members) with Kathleen

Schedule Your : When you visit our online calendar, you will have the option to choose your preferred practitioner or schedule a session with the first available practitioner. Click Here to Schedule Practitioners who currently offer this service:

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Crystal Readings And Crystal Energy Healing Combo Session

Empowered Caregiving utilizes a trauma focused lens that empowers children to live their truth and cultivate a greater awareness for caregivers around how their children’s energy integrates with the world around them. Through this empowerment, understanding, and guidance, children are less likely to be compounded by social conditioning that is often unveiled later in life through behaviors and trauma responses and parents or caregivers are provided tools that not only benefit the child’s development, but cultivates a cohesive dynamic.

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Empowered Caregiving – Human Design Reading

1) communication or connection to you, your animal, or a deceased love one to identify the root cause of any issue; 2) clearing of energy blocks and trapped emotions within the person’s or animal’s energy field that is associated with the root issue; 3) recalibrating and reharmonizing the energy of those experiencing these issues – whether animal, person, or the deceased. This includes energy healing, past life healing, and rewiring of beliefs to help people find peace & harmony.
(60 or 90 Minute Sessions available)

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Energy Healing for Your Soul’s Journey for People or Animals – Signature Session with Cheryl

These psychic readings are more than mere glimpses—they’re roadmaps to illuminate your path and help unveil your destination. When reserving this session, Lane utilizes a variety of psychic tools to navigate your path. Each reading is tailored, made and designed to help you find your way.

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Guided Quest Reading

During a session, she connects with loved ones in spirit, bringing through enlightening and heartfelt messages, as well as insights and information. By making these connections, Amy also seeks to bring healing, guidance and comfort. Many people find that feeling the presence of those who have passed and having the knowledge they are still with us aids in the healing process.

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Healing Heartlights – Spirit Connection Reading with Amy

Personalized reading for yourself and your significant other (significant other does not have to be present if this isn’t their mojo).

Relationships don’t have to be challenging. In fact – I cringe when I hear people make comments about how relationships are “meant to be challenging.”

Through Relationship Readings, we release resentment and increase compassion as we explore misconceptions, misinterpretations, and miscommunication.

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Human Design Relationship Consultation

Customized, private meditation sessions to assist you in either meeting your spiritual guide(s), receiving messages from your spiritual team, or working through energetic and/or chakra-related issues. In a meditation session, you can expect to experience a sense of relaxation and calmness. You will typically be guided through various techniques to help you focus your mind and become more present in the moment. This may involve deep breathing exercises, visualization, or mindfulness practices. The goal is to cultivate a state of inner peace and clarity.

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Meditation Sessions

Spirit Communication/Medium Sessions can help bring closure to loved ones still here in the living. When we experience the loss of a loved one, our world feels as if it’s coming to an end. We often experience a deep grief, and that grief and sadness can be crippling for some. A session can assist in lifting that sadness and grief and provide healing messages of love from those on the other side. Please bring an object that belonged to loved one for Object Psychometry Reading.

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Mediumship / Spirit Communications with or without Psychometry Reading

In an Oracle Card Reading the reader will use various decks of oracle cards to assist in bringing intuitive guidance to your life. These readings can assist in questions around love relationships, career, family, life purpose and more.

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Oracle Card Reading

Lane’s hand reflexology treatment becomes a gateway to holistic wellness. By activating acupressure points in your hands, Lane stimulates healing across body, mind, and spirit while deciphering the lines of your palm and glimpsing at your life’s current tapestry. Following the palm reading, Lane conducts a candle wax reading, drawing a final lesson and blessing from the shapes formed as the wax melts. These intricate patterns offer information about you and your life’s journey, unveiling hidden truths and guiding your path forward. Experience the convergence of healing touch and divination.

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Palmistry and Reflexology

This unique session is designed to connect you with the energies from your past lives as well as your ancestors, providing insights into your history and how it shapes your present. Using a blend of intuitive readings, historical research, psychic techniques, and various energy healing modalities we’ll explore significant events, personalities, and connections from your previous lineage.

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Past Life and Ancestor Reading with Kathleen

Conducted privately, you will journey back in time to visit your previous life(s) as an observer in a guided meditation. I will ask questions to help you identify place and time. Recording sessions by phone or digital recorder are encouraged.

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Past Life Regression

Experience a transformative session that combines energy healing with intuitive psychic insights. During this unique session, Cheryl provides a relaxing laying-on-of-hands energy healing as you rest comfortably on a healing table. While delivering this soothing energy, Cheryl connects with your personal energy field to provide a detailed psychic reading. She shares messages from loved ones who have passed—including both people and pets—along with guidance from your spirit guides. 45 – 60 minutes.

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Psychic Body Reading and Healing with Cheryl Tarateta

This session is for those who would like guidance or clarity from loved ones in spirit. This session can bring about transformation, closure, and validation for you and your loved ones in spirit.

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Psychic Mediumship Reading with Cheryl

Cheryl can connect to you and your energy to channel guidance, insight and direction for your life choices. Cheryl can channel information involving your home, health, career, finances, family, Spiritual path and personal growth. She can connect with your Spirit Guides to help you with your highest good.

Energy healings can also be added to help remove any energy blocks within your body that are contributing to any issues you may be experiencing.

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Psychic/Intuitive/Oracle Card Reading with Cheryl

Psychometry is another tool used by mediums and psychics in gaining information about one’s past, deceased loved ones, or the owner of the object. The object is held or touched and the information received may be perceived as images, sounds, smells, tastes, colors, or emotions. In a way, psychometry is about reading the energetic fingerprint of an object.

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Psychometry Reading

Sacred Flame Healing is Lane’s signature energy healing service fusing Kundalini Reiki, Holy Fire Reiki, Full Spectrum Healing, guided meditation, herbal clearings, and more! Begin with a psychic reading to see your path, followed by a personalized energy healing to awaken your Sacred Flame—the essence of your spirit.

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Sacred Flame Healing

As a medium and a healer, Jodi uses her gifts to act as a bridge between the world of the living and the world of the deceased. Bringing through that evidence of your loved ones, to reassure you, that they are safe, and doing well in Heaven. Jodi has trained with top international mediums, from the United States and the UK. Where she expanded her knowledge of, and abilities to communicate with the Spirit World.

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Signature Spirit Session with Jodi St. Onge

Tarot reading is the practice of divining wisdom and guidance through a specific spread (or layout) of Tarot cards. The cards provide insight and guidance to questions or concerns you may have about different areas of your life.

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Tarot Card Reading

The Tarot cards act as a reflection of the entire universe in the form of 78 cards. Whether your questions be of love, career, conflict, or drive with the help of this tool we can, for a moment, briefly see the energies and variables that surround you and clear a path to bring balance and order in your universe. All that is needed, is a question from the heart.

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Tarot Reading with Dom Winslow

A combination of Tarot and Oracle cards are used to give the client insight and guidance on current and possible future situations and events.

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Tarot/Oracle Card Combo Reading

This session begins with an oracle card reading and/or channeled messages from the unicorns to answer direct inquiries the client may have or give a general outlook on current life. Amy then segues into hands on energy healing including reiki, as she invokes her own personal unicorn guides and healing team to work along with her to clear any stagnant energy, blockages and to balance the chakras. Special unicorn essential oil sprays, crystals and spoken light language may be used during the session to bring about whole body, mind and soul alignment.

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Unicorn Healing

Energy Healing Offerings

Immerse yourself in a soothing, healing experience with a 1-hour Reiki session from Gabrielle Diaz, a Reiki Master and Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). Combining her skills in energy healing with her compassionate nursing care, Gabrielle creates a holistic session designed to support your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. During the session, you will receive gentle Reiki energy to help balance your chakras, reduce stress, and promote healing. Gabrielle will also connect with the angelic realm to bring through a personalized message from Spirit, offering divine guidance and insight into your life’s path.

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1-Hour Reiki Session with Angelic Message from Spirit with Gabrielle Diaz

Acupuncture is ancient Chinese medicine dating back almost 2,500 years ago. It’s based on yin and yang, the balance within the body. Just as medical doctors view the body as a system made up of veins and arteries, oxygen and blood, an acupuncturist considers it an arrangement of channels, or meridians, where life energy, or qi, flows. When qi, blood, yin or yang is disrupted or compromised, the body becomes imbalanced and illness or pain can occur. The insertion of thin needles (about the thickness of a single human hair) at distinct points along these meridians can stimulate the qi, blood, yin or yang and lessen symptoms, many times eliminating the condition altogether.

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Experience the transformative power of sound with our AMI Sound Device sessions, designed to harmonize body, mind, and spirit. This unique modality uses sound vibration to promote deep relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance your body’s natural healing abilities.

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AMI Sound Device Session

Experience the healing power of angelic energies with angelic card healing sessions. This unique service goes beyond traditional readings, as they channel divine energy to bring about emotional, mental, and spiritual balance. Through the gentle guidance of the angels, these sessions aim to cleanse and uplift your energy, promoting a sense of peace, harmony, and renewal.

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Angelic Card Energy Healing

The practice of foot soaking can be traced back to ancient civilizations, with evidence found in the historical records of multiple cultures. These cultures incorporated foot soaking into their daily rituals as a means of relaxation and healing. Your session will begin with soaking your feet in a copper bowl with a blend of your choice. Our blends include Essential oils, Epsom and Sea Salts and herbs/flowers.

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Chakra and Foot Cleansing Soak

Receive an Full Spectrum Healing session and focused guidance with an Oracle Card Reading.

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Combination Full Spectrum Healing & Oracle Card Reading Session

In this session you will receive a 30 minute oracle card reading to bring intuitive guidance and a 30-minute Reiki treatment to assist in relaxing and destressing.

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Combination Reiki & Oracle Card Reading

Schedule Your : When you visit our online calendar, you will have the option to choose your preferred practitioner or schedule a session with the first available practitioner. Click Here to Schedule Practitioners who currently offer this service:

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Crystal Readings And Crystal Energy Healing Combo Session

1) communication or connection to you, your animal, or a deceased love one to identify the root cause of any issue; 2) clearing of energy blocks and trapped emotions within the person’s or animal’s energy field that is associated with the root issue; 3) recalibrating and reharmonizing the energy of those experiencing these issues – whether animal, person, or the deceased. This includes energy healing, past life healing, and rewiring of beliefs to help people find peace & harmony.
(60 or 90 Minute Sessions available)

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Energy Healing for Your Soul’s Journey for People or Animals – Signature Session with Cheryl

Full Spectrum Healing is also an Energy Healing Modality that specifically targets energy blocks held in the human energy system. Both induce deep states of relaxation and stress reduction. The practitioner has undergone a lot of training to learn Full Spectrum Healing and will know how to assist the client in releasing stuck energy that may be preventing them from finding peace and more in their life.

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Energy Healing Session with Cheryl

Reflexology is a holistic practice in which the pressure points are stimulated in order to promote natural healing in the body. This practice helps ease anxiety, improve brain power & nerve functions, increase blood circulation, & can help improve many other systems within the body by rebalancing through the feet.

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Foot Reflexology

Full Spectrum Healing is also an Energy Healing Modality that specifically targets energy blocks held in the human energy system. Both induce deep states of relaxation and stress reduction. The practitioner has undergone a lot of training to learn Full Spectrum Healing and will know how to assist the client in releasing stuck energy that may be preventing them from finding peace and more in their life.

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Full Spectrum Healing Sessions

This soothing Heat Therapy mat has amethyst crystals woven within to enhance this session’s healing power. It has the rejuvenating power of nature’s negative ions which neutralizes free radicals. It can increase serotonin levels and provide many benefits such as reducing inflammation, relieving pain, improving sleep, boosting the immune system, and assisting with detoxification.

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Infrared Amethyst Biomat Healing Session

This tranquil experience combines a guided meditation providing guidance for your mind as you relax, sound healing and the Biomat which has Amethyst crystals woven within to enhance this session’s healing power.

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Infrared Amethyst Biomat with Guided Meditation and Sound Healing

Integrative Body Work & Energy Healing Sessions are guided by Donna Boyce, Intuitive Body Worker & Energy Healer. These sessions are designed to address and heal a wide range of physical, emotional, and energetic imbalances by combining the wisdom of various healing modalities. Donna brings a compassionate and intuitive approach to her work, utilizing her extensive training in Myofascial Release, Craniosacral Therapy, Somato-Emotional Release, Visceral Manipulation, TMJ Treatment, Lymph Drainage, and Intuitive Energy Work, including Reiki and Integrated Energy Therapy (IET).

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Integrative Body Work & Energy Healing Sessions with Donna Boyce

Intuitive Energy healing sessions can be tailored to suit your needs by using IET, Theta Healing, oracle cards, Reiki and Shambala MDH. The session will help you to release what no longer serves you through releasing what is being held in your human energy field with IET Integrated Energy Therapy. This work is done with violet angelic energy and can release what is being held in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual layers. This modality has been described with getting the issues out of the tissues.

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Intuitive Energy Healing Session

Experience a transformative session that combines energy healing with intuitive psychic insights. During this unique session, Cheryl provides a relaxing laying-on-of-hands energy healing as you rest comfortably on a healing table. While delivering this soothing energy, Cheryl connects with your personal energy field to provide a detailed psychic reading. She shares messages from loved ones who have passed—including both people and pets—along with guidance from your spirit guides. 45 – 60 minutes.

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Psychic Body Reading and Healing with Cheryl Tarateta

Receive a relaxing Reiki or Full Spectrum Energy Healing Session with the addition of lying on the soothing infrared Biomat. This soothing Heat Therapy mat has amethyst crystals woven within to enhance this session’s healing power. It has the rejuvenating power of nature’s negative ions which neutralizes free radicals. It can increase serotonin levels and provide many benefits such as reducing inflammation, relieving pain, improving sleep, boosting the immune system, and assisting with detoxification.

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Reiki Or Full Spectrum Healing Session With Infrared Amethyst Biomat

Reiki is a gentle laying on of the hands energy healing that never causes harm. A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.

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Reiki Sessions

Sekhem – Seichim Energy Healing is dedicated to increasing physical healing and wellbeing through cultivating a non-coercive space by focusing on the felt sense of the body to inform choice-making. A brief assessment will be done at the beginning of the session in order for this facilitator to gain clarity around your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well being along and areas of focus with any potential opportunity for slight movement to be integrated.

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Sekhem – Seichim Energy Healing Session

The Illumination clears the energy imprints in the Luminous Energy Field (LEF) . Working with the 7 major Chakras, this process helps open and restore the Luminous Energy Field by breaking up the energy associated with repeated negative cyclical patterns. This Energy healing technique helps transform heavy energies into light, and emotional wounds and issues into sources of power and knowledge. Often during an illumination, certain buried truths are brought to awareness, enabling a clarity of life events and/or choices. Juli Ann focuses on extracting undesired energies, allowing a break from limiting behaviors and beliefs that cause suffering.

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Shamanic Clearings also called Illumination

Spiritual cleansing & Clearing is like taking a spiritual shower — it cleanses your subtle bodies from foreign energies. It can be someone’s emotions you’ve picked up as an empath, toxins, and energy intrusions — lower vibrational energies.

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Spiritual Cleansing & Healing Sessions

The ThetaHealing® technique is a meditation technique utilizing a spiritual philosophy with the purpose of improvement in mind, body and spirit while getting closer to the Creator of All That Is. It is a focused prayer to the Creator and allows you to train your mind, body and spirit to clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do. Through meditation and prayer, the ThetaHealing Technique creates a positive lifestyle.

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ThetaHealing® Session

Sound healing has been a practice for 5000 plus years, and for good reason. The song or vibration of the Tibetan bowls, carries rich audible tones and invisible frequencies that work both above and below our awareness. These tonal vibrations activate your mind, body and spirit. The experience is very personal. The effects of singing bowls are both immediate and lasting.

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Tibetan “Singing” Sound Bowl Therapy

This session begins with an oracle card reading and/or channeled messages from the unicorns to answer direct inquiries the client may have or give a general outlook on current life. Amy then segues into hands on energy healing including reiki, as she invokes her own personal unicorn guides and healing team to work along with her to clear any stagnant energy, blockages and to balance the chakras. Special unicorn essential oil sprays, crystals and spoken light language may be used during the session to bring about whole body, mind and soul alignment.

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Unicorn Healing

Oracle Card Readings

Receive an Full Spectrum Healing session and focused guidance with an Oracle Card Reading.

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Combination Full Spectrum Healing & Oracle Card Reading Session

In this session you will receive a 30 minute oracle card reading to bring intuitive guidance and a 30-minute Reiki treatment to assist in relaxing and destressing.

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Combination Reiki & Oracle Card Reading

In an Oracle Card Reading the reader will use various decks of oracle cards to assist in bringing intuitive guidance to your life. These readings can assist in questions around love relationships, career, family, life purpose and more.

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Oracle Card Reading

In an Oracle Card Reading the reader will use various decks of oracle cards to assist in bringing intuitive guidance to your life. These readings can assist in questions around love relationships, career, family, life purpose and more.

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Oracle Card Reading with Cheryl

Cheryl can connect to you and your energy to channel guidance, insight and direction for your life choices. Cheryl can channel information involving your home, health, career, finances, family, Spiritual path and personal growth. She can connect with your Spirit Guides to help you with your highest good.

Energy healings can also be added to help remove any energy blocks within your body that are contributing to any issues you may be experiencing.

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Psychic/Intuitive/Oracle Card Reading with Cheryl

A combination of Tarot and Oracle cards are used to give the client insight and guidance on current and possible future situations and events.

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Tarot/Oracle Card Combo Reading

Spirit Communication/Mediumship Services

During a session, she connects with loved ones in spirit, bringing through enlightening and heartfelt messages, as well as insights and information. By making these connections, Amy also seeks to bring healing, guidance and comfort. Many people find that feeling the presence of those who have passed and having the knowledge they are still with us aids in the healing process.

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Healing Heartlights – Spirit Connection Reading with Amy

Spirit Communication/Medium Sessions can help bring closure to loved ones still here in the living. When we experience the loss of a loved one, our world feels as if it’s coming to an end. We often experience a deep grief, and that grief and sadness can be crippling for some. A session can assist in lifting that sadness and grief and provide healing messages of love from those on the other side. Please bring an object that belonged to loved one for Object Psychometry Reading.

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Mediumship / Spirit Communications with or without Psychometry Reading

This session is for those who would like guidance or clarity from loved ones in spirit. This session can bring about transformation, closure, and validation for you and your loved ones in spirit.

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Psychic Mediumship Reading with Cheryl

As a medium and a healer, Jodi uses her gifts to act as a bridge between the world of the living and the world of the deceased. Bringing through that evidence of your loved ones, to reassure you, that they are safe, and doing well in Heaven. Jodi has trained with top international mediums, from the United States and the UK. Where she expanded her knowledge of, and abilities to communicate with the Spirit World.

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Signature Spirit Session with Jodi St. Onge

Physical Wellness Offerings

Acupuncture is ancient Chinese medicine dating back almost 2,500 years ago. It’s based on yin and yang, the balance within the body. Just as medical doctors view the body as a system made up of veins and arteries, oxygen and blood, an acupuncturist considers it an arrangement of channels, or meridians, where life energy, or qi, flows. When qi, blood, yin or yang is disrupted or compromised, the body becomes imbalanced and illness or pain can occur. The insertion of thin needles (about the thickness of a single human hair) at distinct points along these meridians can stimulate the qi, blood, yin or yang and lessen symptoms, many times eliminating the condition altogether.

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Receive an Full Spectrum Healing session and focused guidance with an Oracle Card Reading.

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Combination Full Spectrum Healing & Oracle Card Reading Session

Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle hands-on treatment that may provide relief from a variety of symptoms. Light touch is used to examine membranes and movement of fluids in and around the central nervous system.

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Craniosacral Therapy

Reflexology is a holistic practice in which the pressure points are stimulated in order to promote natural healing in the body. This practice helps ease anxiety, improve brain power & nerve functions, increase blood circulation, & can help improve many other systems within the body by rebalancing through the feet.

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Foot Reflexology

Full Spectrum Healing is also an Energy Healing Modality that specifically targets energy blocks held in the human energy system. Both induce deep states of relaxation and stress reduction. The practitioner has undergone a lot of training to learn Full Spectrum Healing and will know how to assist the client in releasing stuck energy that may be preventing them from finding peace and more in their life.

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Full Spectrum Healing Sessions

This soothing Heat Therapy mat has amethyst crystals woven within to enhance this session’s healing power. It has the rejuvenating power of nature’s negative ions which neutralizes free radicals. It can increase serotonin levels and provide many benefits such as reducing inflammation, relieving pain, improving sleep, boosting the immune system, and assisting with detoxification.

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Infrared Amethyst Biomat Healing Session

Discover the benefits of infrared heat! Infrared saunas gently warm your body from within, offering relaxation, detoxification, and overall well-being.

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Infrared Sauna Sessions with Katie Murphy

Integrative Body Work & Energy Healing Sessions are guided by Donna Boyce, Intuitive Body Worker & Energy Healer. These sessions are designed to address and heal a wide range of physical, emotional, and energetic imbalances by combining the wisdom of various healing modalities. Donna brings a compassionate and intuitive approach to her work, utilizing her extensive training in Myofascial Release, Craniosacral Therapy, Somato-Emotional Release, Visceral Manipulation, TMJ Treatment, Lymph Drainage, and Intuitive Energy Work, including Reiki and Integrated Energy Therapy (IET).

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Integrative Body Work & Energy Healing Sessions with Donna Boyce

Lymph Drainage Technique (LDT)- special hands-on techniques are used to help the body maintain proper blood circulation, body fluid balance and immune function. Specializing in sinus drainage, hand and feet/ankle edema.

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Lymph Drainage Technique (LDT)

Susanne Hiatt, Holistic Registered Nurse is a dedicated and compassionate Medical Care Guide, offering comprehensive support and guidance to help you navigate your health care journey with confidence. With extensive experience in the medical field and fluency in Portuguese, Susanne provides personalized care tailored to your unique needs, ensuring you feel understood and supported every step of the way.

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Medical Care Guidance with Susanne Hiatt

Focuses on reducing pain by easing the tension and tightness in the fascia/connective tissue; There are “trigger points” in the tissue that can be palpated and released.

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Myofascial Release (MFR)

Receive a relaxing Reiki or Full Spectrum Energy Healing Session with the addition of lying on the soothing infrared Biomat. This soothing Heat Therapy mat has amethyst crystals woven within to enhance this session’s healing power. It has the rejuvenating power of nature’s negative ions which neutralizes free radicals. It can increase serotonin levels and provide many benefits such as reducing inflammation, relieving pain, improving sleep, boosting the immune system, and assisting with detoxification.

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Reiki Or Full Spectrum Healing Session With Infrared Amethyst Biomat

Reiki is a gentle laying on of the hands energy healing that never causes harm. A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.

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Reiki Sessions

A very gentle yet powerful body/mind connection in order to release emotional issues or memories that come up when the tissues are manually released. Dialoguing is used to release what no longer serves you.

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Somato-Emotional Release (SER)

Each therapeutic massage session is designed to provide a truly individualized experience, utilizing a wide range of techniques and tools including swedish, deep tissue,, myofascial release, cupping, hot stone , trigger point, stretching and more

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Therapeutic Massage

Releasing tension in the jaw and mouth area using gloves to release restrictions in the mouth around the hard palate, upper and lower jaw area.

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Gentle manual treatment approach that addresses tension in the soft tissue connections within and around our organs, thereby relieving tensions and restrictions throughout the body (ie- relieving back and hip pain by releasing tension around the organs around the abdominal area).

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Visceral Manipulation

Animal Healing Services

Animal Chiropractic Re-evaluation and Chiropractic Treatment for previous pet clients not seen within last 6 months.

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Animal Chiropractic – Re-Evaluation and Chiropractic Treatment

Initial Animal Chiropractic Consult for new clients – this session includes both the consultation and a chiropractic adjustment for your animal.

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Animal Chiropractic (Initial Consult with Adjustment) – New Animal Patients

Animal chiropractic visit and treatment for established clients. If you have not seen Cheryl before, please schedule an Initial Consultation with her to establish a plan for your animal.

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Animal Chiropractic Session (Ongoing Animal Clients) with Cheryl

Animal Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive method of energy healing that supports your pets overall health and well-being. This healing process is a complimentary therapy that works well in conjunction with veterinary and other holistic animal therapies.

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Animal Reiki Sessions

Cold Laser Therapy is a noninvasive healing tool to reduce pain and inflammation. This session is for those who want just cold laser therapy outside of a chiropractic adjustment.

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Cold Laser Therapy for Animals with Cheryl

1) communication or connection to you, your animal, or a deceased love one to identify the root cause of any issue; 2) clearing of energy blocks and trapped emotions within the person’s or animal’s energy field that is associated with the root issue; 3) recalibrating and reharmonizing the energy of those experiencing these issues – whether animal, person, or the deceased. This includes energy healing, past life healing, and rewiring of beliefs to help people find peace & harmony.
(60 or 90 Minute Sessions available)

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Energy Healing for Your Soul’s Journey for People or Animals – Signature Session with Cheryl

Full Spectrum Healing is also an Energy Healing Modality that specifically targets energy blocks held in the human or animal energy system. Both induce deep states of relaxation and stress reduction.

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Energy Healing Sessions for Animals with Cheryl

Animal Communication Services

Cheryl is very intuitive and in tune with pets. In this session, she can connect with the animal to better assist owners with decisions around health, behavior, wellness, and relationship between owner and pet. Our pets have contracts with us and also have purpose on their path her on earth. Pets in spirit can also come through to bring forth messages of peace and healing.

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Animal Communication Sessions with Cheryl

The session involves connecting heart-to-heart with your animal friend and having a two way “conversation”. Human companions can ask questions they are concerned or curious about around health, wellness, or any number of topics. They can also let their animal friend open up about themselves and how they are feeling and what they are thinking about. There is a great value in knowing what our animal friends are thinking and feeling, which benefits not only the animal, but also their human companion. Amy connects also connects to animals in spirit!

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Animal Communication with Amy

Holistic Mentoring & Spiritual Coaching Offerings

Using your divine design, I open a portal to channel the ways in which power dynamics have fed off your beautifully diverse energy and stripped you of your autonomy. Based on your intention, this space is curated to rewire your nervous system in ways that allow you to take immediate, effective action that honors your energetic imprint. With your permission, this can be recorded for you to access whenever, wherever.

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1:1 Intuitive Soul Revelation – Human Design Reading

Bereavement Sessions are a safe space for clients to share their experience of loss, create strategies for navigating their own grieving process, use resources offered by the Specialist to assist with the stress of loss and grief. Clients are able to heal the pain of and find relief from their grief.

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Bereavement Session with Diana Anderson

These sessions are tailored made for your needs and help you gain insight to answer some of your spiritual questions. Lane provides a nurturing, supportive energy that carries you towards finding your clarity and confidence on your spiritual path.

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Crossroads Spiritual Advising

Begin a deeply transformative healing journey with Shamanic Practitioner Lehman Shaw. Your initial session will include a thorough assessment to identify the root of your spiritual and emotional needs, setting the foundation for tailored healing work. Together, you’ll explore powerful shamanic techniques, including soul retrieval, connecting with power animals, shamanic journeying, and retrieving lost spirit allies. These practices are designed to restore balance, reclaim lost parts of the self, and deepen your connection to the spiritual realm.

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Integrative Shamanic Healing Sessions with Lehman Shaw

A life purpose coach is similar to a life coach in that we help empower and encourage clients to live a better life. The difference between them is that a life purpose coach helps guide a client to a better, more fulfilling, and productive life. When a client asks what the purpose of my life is, what they are really asking is “what important thing can I do with the time that I have on earth?” A life purpose coach aids in finding out what’s most important in your life—things that you may be unaware of or are ignoring.

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Life Purpose Coaching Session (In-Person)

Magical Hearth Consultation is your opportunity to focus on one area of your life and explore how the magical arts can be used to support and empower your journey. This consultation isn’t just about creating a magical item—it’s about reclaiming your personal power through the natural and mystical arts.

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Magical Hearth Consultation

Don’t feel overwhelmed! You can improve your wellbeing by breaking down your wellness goals into small, manageable steps with Barbara as your personal cheerleader along the way! It’s hard to create a balance and wellness lifestyle on your own which is why we are offering this program to help! Take the first step and schedule your initial visit with Barbara today!

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Mind, Body and Soul Holistic Wellness Guidance with Barbara Cauchon

Spiritual cleansing & Clearing is like taking a spiritual shower — it cleanses your subtle bodies from foreign energies. It can be someone’s emotions you’ve picked up as an empath, toxins, and energy intrusions — lower vibrational energies.

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Spiritual Cleansing & Healing Sessions

A life purpose coach is similar to a life coach in that we help empower and encourage clients to live a better life. The difference between them is that a life purpose coach helps guide a client to a better, more fulfilling, and productive life. When a client asks what the purpose of my life is, what they are really asking is “what important thing can I do with the time that I have on earth?” A life purpose coach aids in finding out what’s most important in your life—things that you may be unaware of or are ignoring.

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Virtual Life Purpose Coaching Session

Astrology Readings & Services

Astrology is a valuable tool that can help you understand which planetary energies will be passing through your life in the near future. We call the coming and going of these energies “transits.” Each planet brings with it special gifts as it visits you during the year. Miriam will provide you with a list of upcoming transits and explain the nature of the planetary energies that are currently in flux in your life. You will have an understanding of what will be coming into your life in the next 6 months and receive valuable information.

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6-Month Astrology Reading

Discover the cosmic blueprint of your life with Lane’s Signature Astrology Reading—a personalized journey into the wisdom of the stars. This session is tailored to your unique needs, offering insight into your natal chart, Solar Return, or current transits.

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Astrology Readings with Lane J Renovato

This chart is cast each year around your birthday when the sun returns to its same position by degree and sign as in your natal chart. This chart can give you general trends for the upcoming year. I find it helpful to look at the current solar return as well as the upcoming solar return to see how things will be developing and shifting for you. Some years are about carrying on business as usual. Other years show more progress and forward movement. Together we will look at both returns to see what is in store for you.

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Solar Return And Trends For The Upcoming Year

Together we will explore the basic components of your natal chart including signs, planets, elements, houses, rulers, sect, dignities, and major aspects. What recurrent themes can be seen in your chart? What strategies can be used to overcome obstacles? How can conflicts within the chart be successfully resolved and understood? I will cast your chart ahead of time.

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Understanding Your Natal Chart

Together we will explore the relationship between your natal chart and the current positions of the planets as the move in their respective orbits. How long does each transiting planet take to either give us a boost or challenge us? When will difficult energy come to an end and be replaced by a new, helpful cycle? The planets are in constant motion relative to earth. What upcoming dates are positive and energized? Which upcoming dates are better for retreat? Together we will look at an ephemeris and make a list.

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Your Current Transits – What’s Going On Up There?

Specialty & Combination Service Offerings

Receive an Full Spectrum Healing session and focused guidance with an Oracle Card Reading.

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Combination Full Spectrum Healing & Oracle Card Reading Session

In this session you will receive a 30 minute oracle card reading to bring intuitive guidance and a 30-minute Reiki treatment to assist in relaxing and destressing.

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Combination Reiki & Oracle Card Reading

Schedule Your : When you visit our online calendar, you will have the option to choose your preferred practitioner or schedule a session with the first available practitioner. Click Here to Schedule Practitioners who currently offer this service:

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Crystal Readings And Crystal Energy Healing Combo Session

A Professional House Clearing is a complex process, and it is recommended to be done when you are buying or selling a new home or when you feel heavy dense energy. This process clears every room, identifies any negative energy drafts, reroutes energy flow, rids the house of negative energy spots, and places energetic boundaries along the outside of the home in case negative energy is coming from the street or the neighboring houses.

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House or Business Clearing & Blessing

This tranquil experience combines a guided meditation providing guidance for your mind as you relax, sound healing and the Biomat which has Amethyst crystals woven within to enhance this session’s healing power.

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Infrared Amethyst Biomat with Guided Meditation and Sound Healing

Cheryl can connect to you and your energy to channel guidance, insight and direction for your life choices. Cheryl can channel information involving your home, health, career, finances, family, Spiritual path and personal growth. She can connect with your Spirit Guides to help you with your highest good.

Energy healings can also be added to help remove any energy blocks within your body that are contributing to any issues you may be experiencing.

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Psychic/Intuitive/Oracle Card Reading with Cheryl

Sound Healing/Therapy Service Offerings

Experience the transformative power of sound with our AMI Sound Device sessions, designed to harmonize body, mind, and spirit. This unique modality uses sound vibration to promote deep relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance your body’s natural healing abilities.

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AMI Sound Device Session

During a Reiki session infused with Tibetan bowls, Juli Ann may use these instruments either around or directly on the body. As the bowls are played, their vibrations penetrate deeply, helping to release tension, reduce stress, and promote a state of inner peace. This combined approach not only enhances the overall therapeutic experience but also encourages a profound sense of interconnectedness between mind, body, and spirit.

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Energy Healing & Sound Bath (Reiki infused with Tibetan bowls)

This tranquil experience combines a guided meditation providing guidance for your mind as you relax, sound healing and the Biomat which has Amethyst crystals woven within to enhance this session’s healing power.

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Infrared Amethyst Biomat with Guided Meditation and Sound Healing

Whether you seek relief from chronic pain, stress reduction, or a boost in your overall vitality, Reiki Energy & Sound Wave Therapy offers a comprehensive and deeply nurturing experience. Allow Heather to guide you to a state of harmonious well-being through the perfect synergy of Reiki and sound therapy.

Book your session today and step into a world of healing and tranquility.

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Reiki Energy & Sound Wave Therapy ~ Combo Healing

This session is designed to help you reconnect with your inner power, release emotional and energetic blockages, and achieve a state of deep relaxation and harmony. Shamanic Reiki is perfect for those seeking to explore their spiritual roots, experience profound healing, and embrace the ancient wisdom of Shamanic practices combined with the soothing energy of Reiki.

Book your session today and step into a world of healing and tranquility.

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Shamanic Reiki with Drumming & Rattle

Sound healing has been a practice for 5000 plus years, and for good reason. The song or vibration of the Tibetan bowls, carries rich audible tones and invisible frequencies that work both above and below our awareness. These tonal vibrations activate your mind, body and spirit. The experience is very personal. The effects of singing bowls are both immediate and lasting.

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Tibetan “Singing” Sound Bowl Therapy