Experience Transformative Healing That Harmonizes Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

Reiki Healing in Swansea, MA Near Providence, RI

Discover the Healing Art of Reiki

At The Soul Purpose, we delve into the profound and transformative art of Reiki, a holistic practice that revitalizes the body, mind, and spirit. Reiki is rooted in the rich tradition of balancing the body’s energy, often referred to as "Ki." Our approach engages with this life force energy, aiming to restore balance, alleviate ailments, and enhance overall well-being by harmonizing the body’s energy flow.

What Is Reiki?

Reiki operates on the principle that true health is not merely the absence of disease, but a state of immense vitality and balance. It is both an art and a science that promotes physical, emotional, and spiritual health by clearing, balancing, and enhancing the body's energy flow. The benefits of this profound practice include stress reduction, improvement in physical health, balancing and rejuvenating the energy system, clearing blockages, protecting energy boundaries, raising vibrational energy, and elevating consciousness levels.

Our Unique Approach at the Soul Purpose®

The Soul Purpose is dedicated to providing a comprehensive and personalized approach to Reiki healing. Our team of certified Reiki practitioners is skilled in this ancient Japanese art, ensuring that each client receives care that is specifically tailored to their needs and wellness goals.

Our offerings include:


A foundational practice at The Soul Purpose, Reiki promotes healing and relaxation by channeling universal life force energy. This method is renowned for its ability to reduce stress, enhance well-being, and support both physical and emotional healing.

Holy Fire Reiki Sessions

Experience the transformative power of Holy Fire Reiki, a healing practice designed to rebalance and revitalize your entire body. Each session includes a personalized Reiki treatment followed by a brief conversation with our practitioners. This discussion helps you reflect on the experience and address any insights or sensations that emerged during the session.

Reiki with Infrared Amethyst Biomat

Elevate your Reiki session with our Infrared Amethyst Biomat. This session combines the gentle energy of Reiki with the soothing heat therapy of the Biomat, embedded with amethyst crystals to deepen the healing impact. Experience enhanced relaxation and a host of benefits such as reduced inflammation, relief from pain, improved sleep, and boosted immunity, all while detoxifying your body

Combination Reiki & Oracle Card Reading

In this session you will receive a 30 minute oracle card reading to bring intuitive guidance and the remainder of the session will be a Reiki treatment to assist in relaxing and destressing.

Animal Reiki Sessions

Recognizing the importance of our furry friends’ well-being, we also offer Reiki sessions for animals, providing them with the same level of care and healing energy we offer to our human clients.

Our practitioners are not only skilled in the art of Reiki but are also compassionate guides dedicated to supporting your journey toward health and balance. Whether you are seeking relief from physical discomfort, emotional stress, or pursuing spiritual growth, The Soul Purpose provides a sanctuary for transformative Reiki healing experiences.

the Essence of Holistic Healing with the Soul Purpose

At The Soul Purpose, we specialize in Reiki and its various enriching modalities, each designed to nurture your journey towards optimal wellness. Delve into our offerings, each crafted to resonate with your path to healing.

Reiki: Universal Life Force Energy

Origins: Developed in early 20th-century Japan by Mikao Usui, Reiki is a key element of energy healing, promoting emotional and physical restoration.

How It Works: Our practitioners channel universal life force energy, focusing on rebalancing the body’s energy flow to promote harmony.

Benefits: Renowned for inducing deep relaxation, Reiki reduces stress, enhances innate healing capabilities, and nurtures overall well-being.

Holy Fire Reiki Sessions

Experience the transformative power of Holy Fire Reiki, an advanced form of Reiki known for its deeply purifying energies.

Benefits: Holy Fire Reiki provides a gentle yet powerful healing experience that enhances the energy rebalance, promoting profound emotional and physical healing.

Reiki with Infrared Amethyst Biomat

Combine the gentle energy of Reiki with the soothing heat therapy of our Infrared Amethyst Biomat.

Benefits: This session amplifies the healing effects, providing enhanced relaxation and health benefits such as reduced inflammation, pain relief, improved sleep, and boosted immunity.

Combination Reiki & Oracle Card Reading

Integrate intuitive guidance with energy healing in a session that combines Oracle Card reading and Reiki.

Benefits: This unique combination offers insights and clarity, followed by Reiki to assist in relaxing and addressing the energetic shifts suggested by the reading.

FAQs on Reiki Healing at The Soul Purpose

What Is Reiki and How Does It Work?

Reiki at The Soul Purpose is a holistic healing technique aimed at harmonizing and revitalizing your body, mind, and spirit. Reiki views the body as infused with a life force energy, known as "Ki." Balancing this energy contributes to overall health and well-being. Our practice focuses on channeling this energy to clear blockages, promoting healing and balance. Our practitioners are dedicated to guiding you through your healing journey, enhancing your physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

Is Reiki Effective?

Reiki has been widely recognized for its effectiveness in reducing stress, promoting relaxation, and supporting the body's natural healing processes. Many individuals report significant improvements in their physical and emotional well-being after Reiki sessions.

How Should I Prepare for a Reiki Session?

To prepare for a Reiki session, wear comfortable clothing and consider meditating or reflecting on any areas of your life that need healing. It's beneficial to approach the session with an open mind and a readiness to receive the energy. Staying hydrated before and after the session can also enhance the flow of energy.

What Is the Difference Between Reiki and Other Modalities Offered at The Soul Purpose?

Reiki is a specific type of energy healing that involves the channeling of universal life force energy to promote healing and balance. Unlike some other modalities that may use physical manipulations or herbal treatments, Reiki focuses solely on energy work and is non-invasive, making it unique in its approach and benefits.

Can Reiki Replace Conventional Medical Treatment?

Reiki is not intended to replace conventional medical treatment but rather to complement it. It is a supportive therapy that helps improve overall well-being and can be used in conjunction with other medical or therapeutic techniques.

Are There Any Side Effects to Reiki?

Reiki is a gentle and safe healing practice with no known adverse side effects. It is non-invasive and considered safe for people of all ages and health conditions.

Can Reiki Be Done Remotely?

Yes, Reiki can be effectively performed remotely. Reiki energy transcends physical distance and can be directed to an individual anywhere, providing the same benefits as an in-person session. Distance Reiki sessions are a convenient option for those unable to attend in person.

Serving South Coast MA, RI & New England

Swansea | Somerset | Dighton | Fall River | Westport | Dartmouth | New Bedford| Fairhaven | Freetown | Assonet | Seekonk | Rehoboth | Providence | Barrington | Bristol | Warren | East Bay & Aquidneck Island RI