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Psychometry, also known as clairtangency, is the ability to feel and read energy/information through the sense of touch, usually touching an inanimate object such as clothing, jewelry, books, pictures, etc. It is a form of scrying, which is another psychic way to see something that cannot be ordinarily seen. However, it is not to be confused with psychometrics; which involves testing IQs, learning abilities or emotional faculties. Therefore, psychometry is also known as Object Psychometry.

Psychometry is another tool used by mediums and psychics in gaining information about one’s past, deceased loved ones, or the owner of the object. The object is held or touched and the information received may be perceived as images, sounds, smells, tastes, colors, or emotions. In a way, psychometry is about reading the energetic fingerprint of an object. Fun fact: psychometry is a Greek word meaning “Measuring the Soul”. So why not come to the Soul Purpose and have a Psychometry reading!

Schedule Your Psychometry Session:

When you visit our online calendar, you will have the option to choose your preferred practitioner or schedule a session with the first available practitioner.

COST: $35 for 30-Minutes
COST: $70 for 60-Minutes

Practitioners who currently offer this service:

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