Full Spectrum Energy Healer & Intuitive

About Kathleen A. Taylor ~ Full Spectrum Energy Healer & Intuitive:

Kathleen’s spiritual path of enlightenment and empowerment started in the mid-1980s when she began her healing journey. As a result of life experiences, as well as Divine mystical encounters with God, the Blessed Virgin and other angelic and spiritual guides; Kathleen has a wholistic, interfaith, mystic philosophy. She truly believes in the interconnectedness of the body-mind-soul and has literally spent more than half her life studying and experiencing this relationship through various energetic systems and intuitive methods.

Kathleen holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition & Dietetics (body); is a certified Usui Reiki Master (mind/body); certified Full Spectrum Energy Healer (mind/body); a gifted intuitive reader (mind); and is an Ordained Minister with a Bachelor of Divinity degree in Ministerial Counseling and Metaphysical Healing (soul/spirit). She is also passionate about Feng Shui, creative journaling, and traveling to the energetic vortices of the world.

Schedule a session with Kathleen:

Kathleen is currently offering the following services at The Soul Purpose:

Combination Full Spectrum Healing & Oracle Card Reading Session

Receive an Full Spectrum Healing session and focused guidance with an Oracle Card Reading.

Combination Reiki & Oracle Card Reading

In this session you will receive a 30 minute oracle card reading to bring intuitive guidance and a 30-minute Reiki treatment to assist in relaxing and destressing.

Full Spectrum Healing Sessions

Full Spectrum Healing is also an Energy Healing Modality that specifically targets energy blocks held in the human energy system. Both induce deep states of relaxation and stress reduction. The practitioner has undergone a lot of training to learn Full Spectrum Healing and will know how to assist the client in releasing stuck energy that may be preventing them from finding peace and more in their life.

House or Business Clearing & Blessing

A Professional House Clearing is a complex process, and it is recommended to be done when you are buying or selling a new home or when you feel heavy dense energy. This process clears every room, identifies any negative energy drafts, reroutes energy flow, rids the house of negative energy spots, and places energetic boundaries along the outside of the home in case negative energy is coming from the street or the neighboring houses.

Oracle Card Reading

In an Oracle Card Reading the reader will use various decks of oracle cards to assist in bringing intuitive guidance to your life. These readings can assist in questions around love relationships, career, family, life purpose and more.

Psychometry Reading

Psychometry is another tool used by mediums and psychics in gaining information about one’s past, deceased loved ones, or the owner of the object. The object is held or touched and the information received may be perceived as images, sounds, smells, tastes, colors, or emotions. In a way, psychometry is about reading the energetic fingerprint of an object.

Reiki Sessions

Reiki is a gentle laying on of the hands energy healing that never causes harm. A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.

Spirit Communication/Medium Sessions

Spirit Communication/Medium Sessions can help bring closure to the loved ones still here in the living.

Spiritual Cleansing & Healing Sessions

Spiritual cleansing & Clearing is like taking a spiritual shower — it cleanses your subtle bodies from foreign energies. It can be someone’s emotions you’ve picked up as an empath, toxins, and energy intrusions — lower vibrational energies.

Spiritual Guidance Session

These sessions will be with a Soul Purpose Practitioner who is also an Ordained Minister that has trained under Jessica’s Interfaith/Mystic Ministry Program through The Birch Tree Interfaith Chapel. They provide a nurturing and supportive energy, that carries you towards your chosen path and direction.

Schedule a session with Kathleen:

Connect with Kathleen:

