Sound healing has been a practice for 5000 plus years, and for good reason. The song or vibration of the Tibetan bowls, carries rich audible tones and invisible frequencies that work both above and below our awareness. These tonal vibrations activate your mind, body and spirit. The experience is very personal. The effects of singing bowls are both immediate and lasting.
Some physical benefits of sound treatment include:
**heart-opening, stress & blood pressure reduction
**improved circulation
**immunity boosting
**improved sleep
**relieving repressed or blocked energies
**feelings of well being
**and Chakra cleansing
A set of singing bowls are designed to bring balance to the body and harmony to each Chakra. The bowls work independently and in tandem to create a full-body embrace that lifts you into an altered state. This is a state that clients describe alternatively as meditative, shamanic, a gateway to their subconscious, or dreamlike.
Beyond rejuvenation, this therapy may feel alternatively emotional, intense, and/or soothing.