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***Email AUDIO RECORDED Reading***
These readings have limited availability with Rev Jessica Kozak Shaw, Energy Medicine Healer and Soul Intuitive Reader. A Soul Reading is developed by Jessica and her team of spirit guides to bring awareness to the blocks in your energy field that limiting your Soul from living its full potential.

In this reading Jessica will channel her guides, your guides, and use some oracle card spreads to get in tune with some energy blockages to give you a picture on where your patterns are replaying and draining energy. She will tap into higher guidance to assist you in navigating and looking at ways to repattern and move and release the energy that limits you. She will plug into the part of you that is your sacred truth to assist you in getting in touch and remembering that aspect of yourself. This is the part that we often forget. We often take on roles expected of us and create blockages in our energy field then feel tired and unfulfilled. In this reading Jessica will channel guidance for you to alchemize into your life and see the beauty of your Soul and how to integrate this full aspect into your existing life with compassion and grace.

“We all have a unique Soul Essence within us, that is like a fingerprint. No one else in the universe has the same essence. Once we connect to it and feel it within ourselves then we can bring it forth into our soul purpose and bring our truth forward with confidence in this lifetime” ~ Jessica Kozak Shaw

When you schedule your reading you will need to email a picture of yourself to Jessica along with a few sentences on where you feel blocked in your body and life along with your date of birth and full name.

The reading is a PRERECORDED channeled reading emailed to you (approximately 60-mins) where Jessica will talk to you about what she is receiving . From there your spirit team, through Jessica’s interpretation, will offer the guidance available within your full energy system so you can have a map forward to make appropriate changes to release patterns and move your life forward with more energy that you had before. These readings are healing.

"Jessica sits and meditates in the energy all day so the channeling takes and hour but the energy and reading begins for her readings at the start of the day and is a whole day process. The recordings are sent at the end of the day once cleaned up and uploaded."

Jessica has been working with channeling through streams of consciousness from her sacred team of guides and forces in her life since she was a small child. She uses this gift to assist you and create a map back to yourself. Ultimately it is our responsibility with what we do with the guidance we receive from our guides. From Jessica’s experience they always push you to your Soul’s calling. Only you will know exactly what that is but receiving some awareness, compassionate perspective, and guidance is always a powerful gift in our sacred earth journey of life .

Readings will be scheduled out based upon Jessica’s limited availability. She has opened up some times for this so it is first come first serve. When it fills up it will be booking out 8-9 months as typical to her practice. You do not need to be present for the schedule time, only energetically open for Jessica to plug into your energy field with your invitation. Many report feeling as if they are receiving an energy healing during the appointment time. It is common to feel tired or relaxed afterward. You will receive your audio link the day of your appointment with a picture of any cards that were picked for you.

Schedule Your Soul Readings with Jessica:

When you visit our online calendar, you will have the option to choose your preferred practitioner or schedule a session with the first available practitioner.

COST: $133 ***Email AUDIO RECORDED Reading***

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