Jessica offers a variety of healing services, please the button below to learn more about these services and how Jessica can support you on your healing journey.

Reiki is a gentle laying on of the hands energy healing that never causes harm. A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.
$35 for 30-minutes
$70 for 60-minutes
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Full Spectrum Healing is also an Energy Healing Modality that specifically targets energy blocks held in the human energy system. Both induce deep states of relaxation and stress reduction. The practitioner has undergone a lot of training to learn Full Spectrum Healing and will know how to assist the client in releasing stuck energy that may be preventing them from finding peace and more in their life.
$35 for 30-minutes
$70 for 60-minutes
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Reiki or Full Spectrum Healing Session with Infrared Amethyst Biomat
Receive a relaxing Reiki or Full Spectrum Energy Healing Session with the addition of lying on the soothing infrared Biomat. This soothing Heat Therapy mat has amethyst crystals woven within to enhance this session's healing power. It has the rejuvenating power of nature's negative ions which neutralizes free radicals. It can increase serotonin levels and provide many benefits such as reducing inflammation, relieving pain, improving sleep, boosting the immune system, and assisting with detoxification.
$80 for 60-minutes
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Infrared Amethyst Biomat Healing Session
This soothing Heat Therapy mat has amethyst crystals woven within to enhance this session's healing power. It has the rejuvenating power of nature's negative ions which neutralizes free radicals. It can increase serotonin levels and provide many benefits such as reducing inflammation, relieving pain, improving sleep, boosting the immune system, and assisting with detoxification.
$15 for 20-minutes
$20 for 30-minutes
$30 for 45-Minutes
$45 for 60-Minutes
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Private Sound Healings
Step into the present moment through the intentional use of Sacred Sound and Space in a Private Sound Healing session with Jaime Allen Poyant. In Sound Healing practices participants often come away feeling a greater sense of oneness and connection, clarity and focus, and/or release and deep peace.
A variety of musical tones will be selected in this customized private sound healing session including voice, frame drums, rattles, didgeridoo, crystal singing bowls, bells, Ohm Wands, and more.
$100 for 75 Minutes
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ThetaHealing® Session with Jodi St. Onge
The ThetaHealing® technique is a meditation technique utilizing a spiritual philosophy with the purpose of improvement in mind, body and spirit while getting closer to the Creator of All That Is. It is a focused prayer to the Creator and allows you to train your mind, body and spirit to clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do. Through meditation and prayer, the ThetaHealing Technique creates a positive lifestyle.
To Learn more about the ThetaHealing® technique, visit
(Judi is Available at The Soul Purpose® every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month)
$125 for 60-Minutes
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Reflexology is a holistic practice in which the pressure points are stimulated in order to promote natural healing in the body. This practice helps ease anxiety, improve brain power & nerve functions, increase blood circulation, & can help improve many other systems within the body by rebalancing through the feet.
$60 for 60-Minutes
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Spiritual Guidance Sessions:
These sessions are focused on helping you gain the understanding of questions you’ve been asking, and seek some answers. These sessions will be with a Soul Purpose Practitioner who is also an Ordained Minister that has trained under Jessica’s Interfaith/Mystic Ministry Program through The Birch Tree Interfaith Chapel. They provide a nurturing and supportive energy, that carries you towards your chosen path and direction. This allows the client to find their clarity and confidence and awaken in their spirituality.
The sessions are each custom-tailored to what your needs are on the day of your session.
Cost: $75 for 60 Minutes
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Private Spiritual Cleansing & Healing Sessions:
In this session the practitioner seeks to identify and get to the root of the spiritual cause of any problem manifesting in your life. Think of this as energy clearing — just like your physical body needs to be cleansed daily, your energy field needs regular spiritual detox.
Spiritual cleansing & Clearing is like taking a spiritual shower — it cleanses your subtle bodies from foreign energies. It can be someone’s emotions you’ve picked up as an empath, toxins, and energy intrusions — lower vibrational energies.
It allows you to eliminate anything that isn’t your natural state and no longer serves you on your path. This is how you keep your energies clean, clear, and balanced.
In this session the practitioner will first check in around what is going on and offer guidance and insight. You will then be made comfortable on the healing table where you will receive Spiritual laying on of the hands healing to clear and cleanse your whole body, mind, and spirit. Other tools will be used such as crystals, sacred oils, interfaith prayers, archangel invocations, incense/sage/holy smoke, and holy water.
*If you have a sensitivity to oils or incense/smoke please let us know as we can accomodate with other tools*
$60 for 45-minutes
$85 for 75-minutes
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A health and wellness coach provides personal support to individuals working towards meeting their health and wellness goals. Whether you have been given a goal by your health care provider or you have set one for yourself, a health coach will help you:
- clarify your goal
- divide that goal into small, manageable action steps
- offer unique suggestions based on where you are in life
- hold you accountable for each step along the way
It is important to note that consulting a health coach in no way replaces any recommendations or advice given to you by your health care practitioners.
As your health and wellness coach, Barbara will support you through the challenges and celebrate your successes while you are on the path towards meeting your goal. Because it takes time for new habits to form, Barbara asks her clients for a three-month coaching commitment. You will meet with her every other week, either in-person or virtually. At the end of that time, you will have the option to continue working with her and an individual program will be offered. And, before you sign on to the coaching program, Barbara offers a complementary, 30-minute virtual Discovery Session, where you can meet, discuss your goals and decide if health coaching is a good fit for you.
Barbara’s personal coaching style uses a holistic approach, seeing you as a unique individual with a unique life. This is not a ‘one program fits all!’ Barbara believes that by helping you balance the different parts of who you are, you can move closer to meeting your health and wellness goals. During your three-month program, expect to do some homework, gain a better understanding of who you are, and create a happy and healthy life in ways that are flexible, fun and tailored to your individual needs.
Before committing to your three-month health and wellness coaching program, Barbara offers a complimentary, virtual, 30-minute Discovery Session. This informal session is an opportunity for you and Barbara to meet, learn a bit about each other, discuss expectations and program format, and decide if the three-month health coaching program is a good fit for you. You can schedule your Discovery Session at The Soul Purpose, using the button below OR if you prefer a Virtual/Zoom Discovery Session, please contact Barbara directly at to schedule your session.
Program Details:
Two 50-Minute Session each month for 3 months (6 Sessions)
Program Cost:
FULL PAY: $405
3-Pay: Three Monthly Payments of $140 ($420)
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House or business clearing & blessing
A Professional House Clearing is a complex process, and it is recommended to be done when you are buying or selling a new home or when you feel heavy dense energy. This process clears every room, identifies any negative energy drafts, reroutes energy flow, rids the house of negative energy spots, and places energetic boundaries along the outside of the home in case negative energy is coming from the street or the neighboring houses.
A properly performed clearing and blessing will compassionately dispel and heal the energies that create stress, disharmony, or make you feel not-at-ease in your home or workplace. Clearing and Blessings will freshen and revitalize your home and business. We will welcome in fresh and pure energies that will allow you to feel better and think more clearly. When the obstructions are removed and healed, harmony and increased prosperity will follow. Good karma and good luck will follow.
Pricing is based on a number of factors, we offer a free 30 minute consultation where you will work with a practitioner to determine your exact needs and the practitioner will provide you with a custom quote.
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Therapeutic Aromatherapy Consultations:
Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts to help promote someone’s health and well-being. Aromatherapists would use the aroma of essential oils medicinally to improve the person’s Mind, Body and Spirit. I have been trained to offer Therapeutic Aromatherapy Consultations. During these sessions, I will go over safety procedures about certain oils and I will make you an Essential Oil Blend that you would benefit from. You would then keep the blend with instructions of how to use it effectively.
$40 for 45 minutes
$60 for Consultation and Card Reading.
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Shamanic Healing Session with Sarah Breen
Shamanic Healing Sessions is healing for the soul. It brings you back to your inner peace and clarity. Each session includes spiritual counseling, a personal altar, a grid for specific healing, a follow-up audio session overview, and integration work to merge the mind with the heart. Shamanic Energy Medicine meets you exactly where you are. Every feeling, life experience and conditions holds a golden thread of possibility. The possibility that ONLY YOU have the opportunity to choose differently in this lifetime. Each session, Sarah travels through multidimensional layers of your body and soul to find the imprint that started the karma in motion. It needs to be acknowledged and released in order for you to end the cycle of unconscious conditioning. Lifting the emotional charge to the root creates a new perspective on life, opening doors to your ability to choose what life you wish to live.
$150 for 90 Minutes
(available in-person at The Soul Purpose® or Online Via Zoom)
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In an Oracle Card Reading the reader will use various decks of oracle cards to assist in bringing intuitive guidance to your life. These readings can assist in questions around love relationships, career, family, life purpose and more.
$35 for 30-minutes
$70 for 60-minutes
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TArot Card Readings
Tarot reading is the practice of divining wisdom and guidance through a specific spread (or layout) of Tarot cards. The cards provide insight and guidance to questions or concerns you may have about different areas of your life.
$40 for 30-minutes
$80 for 60-minutes
$140 for 90-minute Comprehensive Reading
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Psychometry Reading
Psychometry, also known as clairtangency, is the ability to feel and read energy/information through the sense of touch, usually touching an inanimate object such as clothing, jewelry, books, pictures, etc. It is a form of scrying, which is another psychic way to see something that cannot be ordinarily seen. However, it is not to be confused with psychometrics; which involves testing IQs, learning abilities or emotional faculties. Therefore, psychometry is also known as Object Psychometry.
Psychometry is another tool used by mediums and psychics in gaining information about one’s past, deceased loved ones, or the owner of the object. The object is held or touched and the information received may be perceived as images, sounds, smells, tastes, colors, or emotions. In a way, psychometry is about reading the energetic fingerprint of an object. Fun fact: psychometry is a Greek word meaning “Measuring the Soul”. So why not come to the Soul Purpose and have a Psychometry reading!
$35 for 30-Minutes
$70 for 60-Minutes
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Tea Leaf Readings with Navi
Tea leaf readings interpret the patterns formed by tea leaves and other flavorings left in your cup. Charged with intent, they become messages from Spirit and channels from your higher mind. Join Folk Witch Navi Sousa in peering into your cup.
$25 for 30-Minutes
$40 for a Reading with Two People (Approx. 45 Minutes)
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Intuitive Reading
This intuitive reading incorporates angelic guidance with Tarot, Lenormand and the Greek Alphabet Oracle to provide candid, practical insight into any situation.
$45 for 30-Minutes
$85 for 60-Minutes
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Magical Consultation
A Magical Consultation examines ONE issue and ways the seeker can apply the magical arts to resolve that situation. In other words, we design a spell to address help with the focus of the session. Part psychic reading, part one-on-one mentorship, these consultations are exciting ways to brainstorm and take back your power.
Please note, nothing in life is guaranteed. And both the psychic and magical arts are aids for the journey. They work best when backed by real world effort.
$100 for 45-60 Minutes
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Rune Readings:
Rune Reading, also called rune casting, is a divination tool that uses stones with symbols to answer questions about your past, present, and future. Rune Stones can also help you get clarification or advice on how to address an issue or problem.
$40 for 30-minutes
$80 for 60-minutes
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BONE Readings:
Bone Consultation involves a combination of casting Bones/Charms and pulling a few cards. First you pull five cards. One card to represent what you are feeling at the moment and four cards representing certain crossroads and challenges you may be wondering. Then I will have you choose 10 charms from a Charm Bag that are calling to you. Lastly you view the bones that I will give to you. You have the chance to choose what bones that are not calling to you. Afterwards you cast the Bones and the Charms into the center of the Pelt/Board and where everything falls will help me read what is going on in your life and where you fall in the Crossroads.
$80 for 60-minutes
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Palmistry and Hand Reflexology:
Lane will do a hand reflexology treatment which by massaging the acupressure points in your hands, it will stimulate healing within the body, mind, spirit. As he is doing this, he will read the lines of your palm to tell what is going on in your life. After the reading, Lane will do a candle wax reading for a final lesson and blessing to you. How the candle wax melts and the shapes it creates provide information about you and your life.
$45.00 for 30 Minutes
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In an Akashic Records reading, we explore who you are, and the issues you face in this lifetime, from the perspective of your soul. We feel both known and loved within the Records. Being in the richness of this sacred realm can help us in every area of life, from creative endeavors to careers to relationships of every variety. This accepting, non-judgmental dimension fosters greater loving, compassion, and harmony with life. Can also be done on our beloved pets, homes, and businesses for clarity and wisdom.
70 for 60-Minutes
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Spirit Communication/Medium Sessions
Spirit Communication/Medium Sessions can help bring closure to the loved ones still here in the living. When we experience the loss of a loved one, our world feels as if it’s coming to an end. Our Hearts pour out all of the love that we have for those we have lost, and we often experience a deep grief. The grief and sadness can be crippling for some. This is where a reading can assist the recipient in lifting that sadness and grief and provide information that the reading would have no way of knowing unless they are communicating directly with your loved one. The reader uses their gifts to act as a bridge between the world of the living and the world of the deceased, bringing through messages from your loved ones, to reassure you, that they are safe, and doing well on the other side.
$35 for 30-Minutes
$70 for 60-Minutes
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Jodi St. Onge Signature Spirit Session
Spirit Readings are wonderful, because they can help bring closure to the loved ones still here in the living. When we experience the loss of a Loved One, our world feels as if it’s coming to an end. Our Hearts pour out all of the love that we have for our loved ones, and we feel ache. We pray and we hope our loved ones are safe in heaven, that they can still feel us, can still hear us, and are still with us. The grief and sadness can be crippling for some. This is where a reading can assist the recipient in lifting that sadness and grief and provide information that I would not know. As a medium and a healer, Judy uses her gifts to act as a bridge between the world of the living and the world of the deceased. Bringing through that evidence of your loved ones, to reassure you, that they are safe, and doing well in Heaven. Jodi has trained with top international mediums, from the United States and the UK. Where she expanded her knowledge of, and abilities to communicate with the Spirit World.
(Jodi is Available at The Soul Purpose® every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month)
$75 for 30-Minutes
$150 for 60-Minutes
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Understanding Your Natal Chart With Astrologer Miriam Wold
Together we will explore the basic components of yournatal chart including signs, planets, elements, houses, rulers, sect, dignities, and major aspects. What recurrent themes can be seen in your chart? What strategies can be used to overcome obstacles? How can conflicts within the chart be successfully resolved and understood? I will cast your chart ahead of time.
When you schedule a session, you will be asked to provide an accurate time of birth from a birth certificate, as well as the day, month, year, city, state and country of your birth. I will bring copies of your chart to our session.
$100 for 60-minutes
Note on obtaining accurate time of birth:
If you were born after 1961, you may obtain a copy of your birth certificate from your local town hall for a small fee, about $23. You may also call the Medical Records Department in the hospital where you were born. They usually provide an accurate time of birth free of charge.
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Your Current Transits – What’s Going On Up There? With Astrologer Miriam Wold
Together we will explore the relationship between your natal chart and the current positions of the planets as the move in their respective orbits. How long does each transiting planet take to either give us a boost or challenge us? When will difficult energy come to an end and be replaced by a new, helpful cycle? The planets are in constant motion relative to earth. What upcoming dates are positive and energized? Which upcoming dates are better for retreat? Together we will look at an ephemeris and make a list.
When you schedule a session, you will be asked to provide an accurate time of birth from a birth certificate, as well as the day, month, year, city, state and country of your birth. I will bring copies of your chart to our session.
$100 for 60-minutes
Note on obtaining accurate time of birth:
If you were born after 1961, you may obtain a copy of your birth certificate from your local town hall for a small fee, about $23. You may also call the Medical Records Department in the hospital where you were born. They usually provide an accurate time of birth free of charge.
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6-Month Astrology Reading With Astrologer Miriam Wold
What Do the Planets Hold In Store For You Over The Next Six Months?
Astrology is a valuable tool that can help you understand which planetary energies will be passing through your life in the near future. We call the coming and going of these energies “transits.” Each planet brings with it special gifts as it visits you during the year. Miriam will provide you with a list of upcoming transits and explain the nature of the planetary energies that are currently in flux in your life. You will have an understanding of what will be coming into your life in the next 6 months and receive valuable information.
When you schedule your session, you will be asked to submit your birth information for your chart, you will need to provide your time of birth as well as your day, month, year, city and state of birth.
$40 for 30-minutes
Note on obtaining accurate time of birth:
If you were born after 1961, you may obtain a copy of your birth certificate from your local town hall for a small fee, about $23. You may also call the Medical Records Department in the hospital where you were born. They usually provide an accurate time of birth free of charge.
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Solar Return and Trends for the Upcoming Year
This chart is cast each year around your birthday when the sun returns to its same position by degree and sign as in your natal chart. This chart can give you general trends for the upcoming year. I find it helpful to look at the current solar return as well as the upcoming solar return to see how things will be developing and shifting for you. Some years are about carrying on business as usual. Other years show more progress and forward movement. Together we will look at both returns to see what is in store for you.
When you schedule a session, you will be asked to provide an accurate time of birth from a birth certificate, as well as the day, month, year, city, state and country of your birth. I will bring copies of your chart to our session.
$100 for 60-minutes
Note on obtaining accurate time of birth:
If you were born after 1961, you may obtain a copy of your birth certificate from your local town hall for a small fee, about $23. You may also call the Medical Records Department in the hospital where you were born. They usually provide an accurate time of birth free of charge.
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Crystal Readings and Crystal Energy Healing Combo Session
In this session you pick 2 crystals that you are drawn to, we will explore what the two crystals and corresponding chakras mean for you along with what issue/concern may need balancing and what the strength is around what you've chosen. This reading sometimes integrates oracle cards in with the crystals. To close out the reading, you will receive an energy healing enhanced with the crystals to balance and align your energy.
$75 for 60-minutes
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In this session you will receive a 30 minute oracle card reading to bring intuitive guidance and a 30-minute Reiki treatment to assist in relaxing and destressing.
$75 for 60-minutes
$120 for 90-Minutes
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Receive an Full Spectrum Healing session and focused guidance with an Oracle Card Reading.
$75 for 60-minutes
$120 for 90-Minutes
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Family Chiropractic Care (Adults/Children):
Chiropractic care is a drug-free, non-surgical approach to healing and wellness. Chiropractic care restores health and prevents injury by improving the structural integrity of the body, primarily the spine. The brain communicates with the rest of the body via the spinal cord and nervous system. When functioning perfectly, this communication is uninterrupted, and the messages go to and from the brain without interference.
Addressing the Root of the Problem
The nervous system serves as the body's wiring. If this wiring is inhibited, the signal does not reach the intended body part, and illness may result. Such interferences can manifest anywhere along your spine. Pain in your arm or hand may actually be caused by a problem in your neck, where the nerves connecting to that hand originate. A qualified chiropractor can examine the spine for interferences and remove them through controlled techniques.
Established Practice
Chiropractic care is the science, art and philosophy concerned with good health through restoration and maintenance of a properly functioning neuromusculoskeletal system, without the use of drugs or surgery
Chiropractic care is a manual therapy, which can be used for many health and performance problems. It focuses on the biomechanical dysfunction of the spine and its effect on the entire nervous system of the body Chiropractic treatment does not replace traditional medicine. It can often eliminate the source of acute or chronic pain syndromes.
The Spine
A human spine is a complex structure consisting of bones, ligaments, muscles and nerves. It fulfills various functions in the body:
- A framework of support
- Attachment for many muscles
- Protection of the spinal cord
- Protection of internal organs
Cost: (please note that insurance is not accepted)
$110 - Initial Exam/Assessment/1-hour
$60 - Follow-up Appointments 30-minutes for Adults/Children

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Animal Chiropractic Sessions:
Dr. Cheryl is dedicated to helping animals regain and maintain control of their health through a holistic approach. We work in conjunction with your veterinarian and/or canine rehabilitation center to help get your animal on the road to recovery without the use of drugs or surgery. Our methods are 100 percent natural and based on years of training and experience.
$60 - Sessions are approximately 30-Minutes and may also include Cold Laser Therapy
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Cold Laser Therapy Sessions for Animals and Humans:
Cold Laser Therapy is a noninvasive healing tool to reduce pain and inflammation.
$40 - 30-Minutes
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Integrative Energy Healing Sessions for Animals & Humans:
In this session Dr. Cheryl uses a combination of Full Spectrum Energy Healing, Chiropractic, Laser and Intuitive Healing to give a powerful integrative healing session for people or pets. Dr Cheryl has also been trained in Animal Reiki and Energy Medicine at The Soul Purpose.
$100 - 60 Minutes for Animals & Humans
$60 - 30 Minutes for Animals & Humans
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Full Spectrum Healing is also an Energy Healing Modality that specifically targets energy blocks held in the human energy system. Both induce deep states of relaxation and stress reduction. The practitioner has undergone a lot of training to learn Full Spectrum Healing and will know how to assist the client in releasing stuck energy that may be preventing them from finding peace and more in their life.
$70 - 60 Minutes for people
$50 - 30-40 Minutes for pets
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Animal Reiki Sessions:
Animal Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive method of energy healing that supports your pets overall health and well-being. This healing process is a complimentary therapy that works well in conjunction with veterinary and other holistic animal therapies.
Reiki for animals provides a total body healing system that supports your pet’s health on all levels ~ body, mind and spirit.
If your pet is suffering with chronic pain or dis-ease, Reiki helps to reduce pain, support the body’s natural healing process and, at end of life, aids your pet’s through the transition. Additionally, Reiki helps address your pet’s behavioral issues and challenges. Animals are highly sensitive and respond well to Reiki treatments. Regular sessions provide maximum benefit for your pets total health and well-being.
$35- 30-Minutes
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Animal Communication Sessions:
Dr. Cheryl is very intuitive and in tune with pets. In this session she can connect in with the animal to better assist owners with decisions around health, behavior, wellness, and relationship between owner and pet. Our pets have contracts with us and also have purpose on their path here on earth. Pets in spirit can also come through to bring forth messages of peace and healing.
$50 - 30-Minutes
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Animal Chiropractic Sessions:
Dr. Cheryl is dedicated to helping animals regain and maintain control of their health through a holistic approach. We work in conjunction with your veterinarian and/or canine rehabilitation center to help get your animal on the road to recovery without the use of drugs or surgery. Our methods are 100 percent natural and based on years of training and experience.
$60 - Sessions are approximately 30-Minutes and may also include Cold Laser Therapy
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