Spiritual Pathfinder and Relationship Guide / Scendancy Soul

About Rev. Benjamin Norman ~ Spiritual Pathfinder and Relationship Guide / Scendancy Soul:

Hello - my name is Benjamin Norman, by trade I'd call myself a metaphysician, I am known in some circles as the Dark Knight, and in some the White Wizard. I am a father of five, husband, spiritual warrior, healer, ordained Interfaith Minister through the Birch Tree Interfaith Chapel, empowered parenting guide, ultra endurance athlete, and called in this lifetime to work with families by the most high himself. I am a co-founder of Scendancy Soul with my wife Laura, and co-founder of Forgive to Live where we run in-person retreats out of our Vermont retreat center. How I serve people is by walking with them into the spiritual/relational difficulty and darkness they face in the areas of their life and help them to simply see the light of their own soul inside of it, and give them tools and training to be able to navigate the darkness on their own. I often introduce myself by how I want to be remembered when my time on this planet is up, my gravestone will read: "He was a great father of humanity."

Benjamin is currently offering the following services at The Soul Purpose:

Awakening the Fire Inside - 1 on 1 Guidance Session

During this metaphysical guidance session we will dive deep 1 on 1 into an area of your life where you are challenged, facing darkness, or looking for a transformation. Areas of life can include your relationship to yourself (and any limiting beliefs you have) relationship to your significant other, your parenting, or your relationship to faith. All topics will lead to a deepening of connection, love and freedom.

Pre-session work is required based on the topic to be discussed, and you will leave with a metaphysical treatment/application to bring back into your life to work with/practice with/integrate.

Session Duration: 60 Minutes
Session Rate: $149
Includes: Pre-work and Post-work/Treatment
Where: In person or Virtual

Channeling the Fire Inside - Transformational Healing Session

This healing session is designed to get you deeply connected to the light of WHO YOU ARE at the core of your being – even if you don’t have an answer yet as to “WHO YOU ARE”. This is what is missing in today’s secular world when it comes to stepping into your soul, exactly how the universe/God/source/infinite intelligence created you to be.

This session is not intended to be taken frequently – this is when you FEEL a massive block in your life and you need support removing it, for GOOD.

During this session we will be doing a combination of discussion, guided meditation, journaling, and breathing exercises.

Areas of life can include your relationship to yourself (and any limiting beliefs you have) relationship to your significant other, your parenting, or your relationship to faith. All topics will lead to a deepening of connection, love and freedom.

Pre-session work is required based on the topic to be discussed, and you will leave with a metaphysical treatment/application to bring back into your life to work with/practice with/integrate.

When you leave this session - the way you see the world will be different in the area you are working on - guaranteed.

Session Duration: 180 Minutes
Session Rate: $499
Includes: Pre-work and Post-work/Treatment
Where: In person or Virtual

Connect with Benjamin:

