Intuitive Energy Healer

About Marianne Gonsalves ~ Intuitive Energy Healer:

My journey as an intuitive energy healer began as a response to the earthly loss of my daughter. Desperate for even a momentary relief from this immense heaviness, the first memorable step began with receiving my first Reiki treatment. It not only gave me a little space to come up for air, but it was such a profoundly mystical experience that I knew I had to learn more about it. Immersing myself in the study and practice of energy healing became a passionate commitment. Several years later, my divinely guided journey has aligned me with the purpose of helping others. It is not only a tribute to my daughter's life and enduring spirit but also in hopes that I can help you take a much-needed breath and perhaps help you on your own healing journey. I look forward to walking with you on this path.

Marianne is currently offering the following services at The Soul Purpose:

Reiki is a gentle laying on of the hands energy healing that never causes harm. A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.

Click to learn more about
Reiki Sessions

Full Spectrum Healing is also an Energy Healing Modality that specifically targets energy blocks held in the human energy system. Both induce deep states of relaxation and stress reduction. The practitioner has undergone a lot of training to learn Full Spectrum Healing and will know how to assist the client in releasing stuck energy that may be preventing them from finding peace and more in their life.

Click to learn more about
Full Spectrum Healing Sessions

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