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A health and wellness coach provides personal support to individuals working towards meeting their health and wellness goals. Whether you have been given a goal by your health care provider or you have set one for yourself, a health coach will help you:

~clarify your goal
~divide that goal into small, manageable action steps
~offer unique suggestions based on where you are in life
~hold you accountable for each step along the way

It is important to note that consulting a health coach in no way replaces any recommendations or advice given to you by your health care practitioners.

As your health and wellness coach, Barbara will support you through the challenges and celebrate your successes while you are on the path towards meeting your goal. Because it takes time for new habits to form, Barbara asks her clients for a three-month coaching commitment. You will meet with her every other week, either in-person or virtually. At the end of that time, you will have the option to continue working with her and an individual program will be offered. And, before you sign on to the coaching program, Barbara offers a complementary, 30-minute virtual Discovery Session, where you can meet, discuss your goals and decide if health coaching is a good fit for you.

Barbara’s personal coaching style uses a holistic approach, seeing you as a unique individual with a unique life. This is not a ‘one program fits all!’ Barbara believes that by helping you balance the different parts of who you are, you can move closer to meeting your health and wellness goals. During your three-month program, expect to do some homework, gain a better understanding of who you are, and create a happy and healthy life in ways that are flexible, fun and tailored to your individual needs.

Before committing to your three-month health and wellness coaching program, Barbara offers a complimentary, virtual, 30-minute Discovery Session. This informal session is an opportunity for you and Barbara to meet, learn a bit about each other, discuss expectations and program format, and decide if the three-month health coaching program is a good fit for you. You can schedule your Discovery Session at The Soul Purpose, using the button below OR if you prefer a Virtual/Zoom Discovery Session, please contact Barbara directly at [email protected] to schedule your session.

Program Details:
Two 50-Minute Session each month for 3 months (6 Sessions)

Program Cost:
FULL PAY: $405
3-Pay: Three Monthly Payments of $140 ($420)

Schedule Your Health and Wellness Coaching Session:

Schedule a Complimentary Discovery Session

Practitioners who currently offer this service:

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