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Caregiver's of all shapes and forms, are you interested in learning more about how your child(ren)'s energy interacts with the world around them? Have you ever wondered how multiple kids are raised “similarly” or “under the same roof” or “with the same parents” yet are polar opposites?

Understanding children and their needs has been embedded in me since birth. In fact, in Human Design my conscious mercury (what I’m here to share and communicate), is based around having an intuitive knowing of what others need, especially children and animals while also, prioritizing self care and advocating for it as it is the only way we can truly provide for others. This intuitive knowing has been heavily accessed for the majority of my life and plays a significant role in my professional career.

At the age of 5, my Mom stepped out of the corporate world to open her own daycare in our home. For 20 years, Mom ran the daycare out of our family home. Combining my lived experience of being my moms sidekick, and eventually - legal substitute at the age of 18, with my higher education and professional experience; and my intuitive abilities, I’ve played a significant role in supporting not only youth, but caregivers through high crisis situations, reunification, etc.

Empowered Caregiving utilizes a trauma focused lens that empowers children to live their truth and cultivate a greater awareness for caregivers around how their children's energy integrates with the world around them. Through this empowerment, understanding, and guidance, children are less likely to be compounded by social conditioning that is often unveiled later in life through behaviors and trauma responses and parents or caregivers are provided tools that not only benefit the child’s development, but cultivates a cohesive dynamic.

You will need to have access to or know your birth date, time, and location and the same information for the person you are a caregiver for, in order to run your Human Design charts. You can run your charts by going to my website using the following link:

(Scroll down to where it says enter your birth details below and complete the form to receive your HD Chart)

Schedule Your Empowered Caregiving - Human Design Reading:

When you visit our online calendar, you will have the option to choose your preferred practitioner or schedule a session with the first available practitioner.

Child's Human Design Only - COST: $150 for 60-Minutes
Both Caregiver & Child's Human Design Chart - COST: $200 for 60-Minutes

Practitioners who currently offer this service:

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