
Dr. Rachel Lampert, M.D., a professor of medicine at Yale School of Medicine, and her colleagues studied 37 patients after having a heart attack. The patients were randomized into three groups: patients who simply rested, those who received a single session of reiki treatment from a nurse trained in reiki and those who listened to relaxing music. The researchers measured activity of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which regulates heart rate, breathing, blood pressure and digestion.

Lampert’s team zoomed in on heart rate variability (HRV), a measure of the pattern of heartbeats that’s controlled by the ANS. The higher the HRV after a heart attack, the better the outlook for the patient, explains Lampert.

In the Yale study, patients who received reiki had a higher HRV and improved emotional state. “Our study was a very nice demonstration that doing things that are relaxing has benefits,” says Lampert. “We showed increased activity of the healthy arm of the nervous system.” 

Researchers at Harvard Medical School followed 99 patients at multiple sites to determine the effects of a single reiki session. The study—a single arm effectiveness study published in 2019 in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine—found statistically significant improvements in anxiety and depression symptoms, as well as pain and nausea.

Additional research suggests reiki helps with depression and insomnia. A 2012 study in the Indian Journal of Positive Psychology looked at 40 women who suffered from depression and anxiety. Half of the group received a reiki treatment twice a week for 10 weeks and the other half received no treatment. The women who received reiki saw significant improvements in both their depression symptoms and sleep quality.

-Retrieved from on 08aug23

Sound Healing

  1. study published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine found that an hourlong sound meditation helped people reduce tension, anger, fatigue, anxiety, and depression while increasing a sense of spiritual well-being.

Retrieved from on 08AUG23


One large review by Kunz and Kunz (2008) summarized 168 research studies and abstracts from journals and meetings from around the world.Other systematic reviews are cautious in saying that reflexology may: . . . show a positive effect on type 2 diabetes (Song, 2015)exert a beneficial effect on lowering blood pressure and incontinence (Song, 2015)have a positive impact on blood pressure (McCullough, 2014)be effective for tingling in MS (Yadav, 2015)

 Retrieved from on 08AUG23


Consistent yoga practice improves depression and can lead to significant increases in serotonin levels coupled with decreases in the levels of monamine oxidase, an enzyme that breaks down neurotransmitters and cortisol.[5] A range of therapeutic approaches is available for the management of depressive disorders, but many patients turn to complementary therapies due to the adverse effects of medication, lack of response or simply preference for the complementary approach. A number of studies demonstrate the potential beneficial effects of yoga interventions on depression, stress, and anxiety.

Retrieved from on 08AUG23

Bio Mat

The Biomat is an FDA approved medical device with positive health indications and thermotherapy benefits. These indications are ailments to which the FDA has proved that a particular device actually works to produce a result. The Biomat is classified as a class II Medical Device and its indications are for temporary relief of muscle spasms, minor joint pain and stiffness, minor muscular back pain, muscle pain, joint pain associated with arthritis, minor strains, minor sprains, relaxation of muscles and the increase of local circulation where applied.

Full Spectrum Healing

Statistically significant improvements were demonstrated in approximately half of the energy healing studies for 13 different outcomes. Three significant outcomes were identified within phase III studies for 1) mood disturbance, 2) fatigue, and 3) quality of life. Twelve significant outcomes were identified in phase II and pilot studies for 1) pain, 2) quality of life, 3) hopelessness related to coping, 4) health locus of control, 5) anxiety, 6) self-esteem, 7) psychological distress. . . have significant cost implications for the health care system. Given potential benefits of energy healing interventions as an adjunct self-management strategy.

Retrieved from on 08AUG23

Oracle Card Readings

The cards can be used daily for reflection, meditation, or in a tarot-inspired spread and are meant to help you develop your intuition, self-love, inner beauty, and emotional well-being.One of the biggest benefits of oracle cards is that they offer self-awareness. They help to uncover aspects of yourself that you may not be consciously aware of. They bring things to the surface that will help you to understand what is going on in your life.

Spirit Communication/Mediumship

 It removes the fear of death, by proving that there is no death of the actual person. It convinces us that it is merely stepping from a lower state of existence into a higher, exactly as the caterpillar apparently “dies” to become the butterfly. It does away with absolute separation of those closely united, thereby relieving us of the worst of material sorrows.  It also inspires us to have purer and more progressive ways of life, by proving beyond doubt the advantages of right action and the disadvantages of wrong action. Spirit Communication is healing to those processing Grief and Sorrow and allowing feelings of peace. 

Some Info from The Spiritualist Church

Akashic Record Readings

Akashic Records reading is believed to be beneficial for anyone who seeks spiritual growth, self-awareness, and personal transformation. These readings are said to provide insight and guidance on various aspects of life, including relationships, career, health, and spiritual development.

  • Know the purpose of life

  • Discover your inner soul

  • Heal at a physical, emotional and mental level

  • Get answers to “why” questions in different areas of your life (relationships, business, etc.)

  • Clear past-life blocks, fears, anxiety and phobias that you may be facing

  • Make better choices based on soul’s wisdom

  • Identify limitless possibilities


Hypnosis can help you gain control over behaviors you'd like to change. It may help you cope better with anxiety or pain. Although you're more open to suggestions during hypnosis, you don't lose control over your behavior during a hypnosis session 

Hypnotherapy may help treat any number of medical conditions in which psychological factors influence physical symptoms.

Common mental health uses include:

Common medical uses include:

Hypnosis continues to be explored for use in these and many other medical conditions.

Tarot Card Readings

Tarot readers believe that cards in a tarot deck enable you to gain insight into the past, present, and future. They can help you to better understand yourself and the people around you. As a divination tool, 78-tarot cards have been used from the mid-15th century in various parts of Europe. A tarot reading is used to find insight into the past and present and with effect into your future. Regardless of spiritual belief or beliefs in clairvoyance. They can can still be used psychologically to allow us all to reflect and gain a deeper understanding of our situations.


Fragrance (citrus was our choice) which comforts through stimulation of the olfactory system was applied to depressive patients. It was given to 12 depressive subjects and the results indicated that the doses of antidepressants necessary for the treatment of depression could be markedly reduced. The treatment with citrus fragrance normalized neuroendocrine hormone levels and immune function and was rather more effective than antidepressants. 

Aromatherapy has the potential to treat many conditions, including:


  • Gaining a new perspective on stressful situations

  • Building skills to manage your stress

  • Increasing self-awareness

  • Focusing on the present

  • Reducing negative emotions

  • Increasing imagination and creativity

  • Increasing patience and tolerance

  • Lowering resting heart rate

  • Lowering resting blood pressure

  • Improving sleep quality

May help treat

  • Anxiety

  • Asthma

  • Cancer

  • Chronic pain

  • Depression

  • Heart disease

  • High blood pressure

  • Irritable bowel syndrome

  • Sleep problems

  • Tension headaches