Reiki Master, Psychic Medium, Akashic Records Practitioner & Animal Communicator

About Amy L. Heffernan ~ Reiki Master, Psychic Medium, Akashic Records Practitioner & Animal Communicator:

Amy is a certified Usui and Karuna Holy Fire Reiki Master Teacher. She is also a certified Akashic Records reader. Amy has been intuitive from a young age, and her psychic and mediumship abilities grew stronger in 2010 when she lost a good friend suddenly. She is also a huge animal lover, and loves being around animals and connecting them to their human caretakers through animal communication. Amy is also very connected to the unicorn dimension, and works with unicorn guides and performs unicorn healings. Amy believes that with an open mind and heart, understanding and healing is possible on all levels – body, mind and spirit. Each session with a client (or their animal friend) is customized, based upon their needs and individual goals as well as guidance received from guides and Spirit. Amy's biggest passion is being a wayshower - to help people to find their own beautiful light, and encourage them to step into their power with confidence and grace.

Amy is currently offering the following services at The Soul Purpose:

This session begins with an oracle card reading and/or channeled messages from the unicorns to answer direct inquiries the client may have or give a general outlook on current life. Amy then segues into hands on energy healing including reiki, as she invokes her own personal unicorn guides and healing team to work along with her to clear any stagnant energy, blockages and to balance the chakras. Special unicorn essential oil sprays, crystals and spoken light language may be used during the session to bring about whole body, mind and soul alignment.

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Unicorn Healing

Spirit Communication/Medium Sessions can help bring closure to the loved ones still here in the living.

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Spirit Communication/Medium Sessions

Reiki is a gentle laying on of the hands energy healing that never causes harm. A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.

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Reiki Sessions

In an Oracle Card Reading the reader will use various decks of oracle cards to assist in bringing intuitive guidance to your life. These readings can assist in questions around love relationships, career, family, life purpose and more.

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Oracle Card Reading

Animal Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive method of energy healing that supports your pets overall health and well-being. This healing process is a complimentary therapy that works well in conjunction with veterinary and other holistic animal therapies.

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Animal Reiki Sessions

The session involves connecting heart-to-heart with your animal friend and having a two way “conversation”. Human companions can ask questions they are concerned or curious about around health, wellness, or any number of topics. They can also let their animal friend open up about themselves and how they are feeling and what they are thinking about. There is a great value in knowing what our animal friends are thinking and feeling, which benefits not only the animal, but also their human companion. Amy connects also connects to animals in spirit!

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Animal Communication

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