Reiki Practitioner

About Gabrielle Diaz ~ Reiki Practitioner:

You can call me Gabby or Gabrielle if you would like. I am a nurse by day, and a Reiki Practitioner by night. I have been in the healthcare field for 7 years now (5 years Emergency Medical Technician and 2 years Nursing). I began studying energy medicine circa 2023 when I crossed paths with many individuals who not only use Western Medicine, but Eastern Medicine as well. A lot of times in the healthcare field they will teach healthcare providers to treat the body and the mind Sometimes we forget one's spirit. This is where I can come in, and tie all 3 together. I look forward to working with you.

Gabrielle is currently offering the following services at The Soul Purpose:

reiki sessions - training- energy healing spiritual events - holistic classes near-westport ma

Reiki is a gentle laying on of the hands energy healing that never causes harm. A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.

Reiki is Japanese non-invasive relaxation technique that’s been used for the last 70+ years. This technique can help aid in, sleep, pain/discomfort, and overall better mood. Research shows no adverse side effects that have been reported when it comes to Reiki. If you are currently using Western Medicine, Please continue to do so, and always speak with your Healthcare Provider.

COST:  $44 - 30-Minutes or $55 for 60-Minutes

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