featured imnage

Using your divine design, I open a portal to channel the ways in which power dynamics have fed off your beautifully diverse energy and stripped you of your autonomy. Based on your intention, this space is curated to rewire your nervous system in ways that allow you to take immediate, effective action that honors your energetic imprint. With your permission, this can be recorded for you to access whenever, wherever.

You will need to have access to or know your birth date, time, and location in order to run your Human Design chart. You can run your chart by going to my website using the following link:

(Scroll down to where it says enter your birth details below and complete the form to receive your HD Chart)

Schedule Your 1:1 Intuitive Soul Revelation - Human Design Reading:

When you visit our online calendar, you will have the option to choose your preferred practitioner or schedule a session with the first available practitioner.

COST: $200 for 60-Minutes

Practitioners who currently offer this service:

Click Arrow to Learn More About Corrine